Where and how to save and access Steam Deck screenshots

Steam Deck allows you to easily save screenshots of your gameplay. The screenshots you take can only be uploaded to Steam by default, but they can be accessed if you know where to save them.

Posted at: 2023.1.10

Where Steam Deck Screenshots are Saved

Steam Deck screenshots are usually stored in an unknown location. In fact, if you know where they are, you can save them to a micro SD or upload them to a NAS, for example.

Screenshots of the Steam Deck can be found at the following location.

Home > .local > share > Steam > userdata > [Your Steam Account ID] >760 > remote > [Game ID] > screenshots

It is important to note that the files are stored in a "hidden folder" with a dot at the beginning of the folder.

Accessing Steam Deck screenshots

First, put Steam Deck in desktop mode and launch Dolphin, a file manager.

Dolphin does not display hidden folders by default, so select "Show Hidden file" from the three-way menu in the upper right corner to display the hidden folders.

Once you have it displayed, you can access the screenshots by following the folder you have just created.

The trouble is that the folders are separated by game ID, so if you take screenshots of multiple games, it is difficult to tell which game you are playing.

Since this area is managed by the system, it would be more convenient to install an image management application in desktop mode and scan the screenshot folders.

Users who want to smoothly distribute games or upload them to social networking sites can install an image management app in desktop mode and register the game as a non-Steam game in the Steam client to easily manipulate screenshots even in game mode.